What are your pronouns – I use He/Him, as a transmasc man.

Do you draw fan art? What kinds? – I do! It depends on my interest at the moment, I draw a variety of Nintendo based IP’s, but on occasion i’ll do something outside of that.

Are your commissions open? – Not at the moment, no. I’ve not got the time for them at current.

Will they be open in future? – Potentially, whether they’ll be on this website or not is another can of worms.

Is the store here real? – No, it is for purpose of assessment as is the purpose of this website for the moment as a graphic design student. The jewellery is not actually for sale and is placeholder as evidence of my being able to submit items for sale.

When commissions open is there a limit on what you will create? – Yes. There is a hard limit that will be laid out clearer upon the release of any commission details.